Yoga is a Powerful Tool to Support You During Your Cancer Journey

We'll make it easy for you to get started! 

The research consistently shows that yoga can help with some of the most common side effects of cancer. 

  • Reduce anxiety and depression.

  • Reduce fatigue.

  • Improve sleep.

  • Improve your mood and overall well-being.

We offer a 4-week, online, self-paced Beginner's Cancer-Safe Yoga Course that was created just for you!

Every week during this course, you will receive...

  • Two 20-25 minute gentle yoga classes with detailed instructions on how to do each pose safely. One class is traditional yoga on a mat, and one class is chair yoga. 
  • Direct email access to the instructor to ask your questions.
  • You will have access to the course for 90 days after purchase, so don't worry if you can't finish it within the 4-week time period!

You will also receive two BONUSES each week to help you start and end your days with more peace:

  • One 5-10 minute in-bed morning yoga audio to help get your energy flowing before your feet even hit the floor.
  • One 15-20 minute guided cancer-sensitive meditation to help you relax and unwind. 

This Yoga Course Is For You If...

  • You are curious about how yoga can help you on your cancer journey but you're not sure how to get started. 
  • You're dedicated to improving your well-being.
  • You want yoga to be fun and relaxing. 

Name Your Own Price!

We never want the cost to be a barrier to joining our community of warriors who are on a mission towards wellness. Therefore, we have adopted a name your own price model to ensure everyone who would like to join is able to.
No matter how much you pay, you'll receive the exact same Beginner's Cancer-Safe Yoga Course!
In other words, it doesn't matter what financial position you are currently in, we want to make sure you have access to this course because it was created for YOU!

4-week Yoga Course for $40


4-week Yoga Course for $50


4-week Yoga Course for $60


Hi! I'm Kim Lowe, Founder of Empower You and the instructor for this course.

As a PhD cancer researcher, I have dedicated my entire career to improving how patients are diagnosed and treated for their cancer. When my beloved mom received her own challenging health diagnosis, I was overwhelmed with anxiety and feelings of helplessness. I dug deep into my personal yoga and meditation practice to find solace. What emerged was a profound passion to help patients and caregivers in a more holistic way to find emotional peace and to regain their physical strength during this challenging time in their lives. I went back to school to become a yoga and meditation teacher so I could help others who have been touched by a life-changing diagnosis. Empower You was born with compassion and love from that mission, and I deeply hope it improves your life in meaningful ways.


Check out our FAQs to get your questions answered.

Read our recent blogs to learn more about how yoga and meditation can help you during cancer. 

The Benefits of Yoga During and After Cancer

The Power of Touch as Part of your Cancer Recovery Plan

Living with Cancer? Six Meditation Tips that Really Help

Taking care of yourself is your #1 priority right now. Join us for this course so you can get started on the right track with cancer-safe yoga.