Feeling Calm During Cancer is Within Reach


We know you're looking for solutions and we're here to help! 



Meditation has been proven to help during cancer to...

  • Reduce anxiety and depression.

  • Reduce fatigue.

  • Improve sleep.

  • Improve your mood and overall well-being.

BUT...we know meditating can be

very challenging!

  • Your mind floods with worry.
  • You start to get antsy.
  • You can't stop thinking about what you should be doing instead.
  • You feel like you're not doing it "right" and are wasting your time.
  • You feel frustrated or get sleepy.
  • You stop meditating and aren't inspired to keep trying.

You Need Guided Meditations that Speak to What You're Feeling and Experiencing During Your Cancer Treatment


Our Cancer Empowerment Bundle includes 10 guided meditations created


 Releasing Anxiety (20 min)

This is our most popular meditation! It will guide you through a full release of the worries and stress you've likely been carrying in your body since your diagnosis and give you tools for managing the stress of future challenges.  

Your Safe Place (15 min)

During times of extreme uncertainty, such as after a cancer diagnosis, one powerful way to ground your racing mind is to remember your safe place. This meditation will guide you to either remember your safe place or help you create a new one in your imagination. 

Self-Love and Renewal (15 min)

We know it can be hard for many people to love themselves but this is something you need now more than ever! Let this meditation guide you through a gentle healing and renewing process of self-love. Trust us! It feels SO good!

Releasing Pain (15 min)

This unique meditation uses Energy Medicine techniques to help you release any physical pain you are feeling as a result of your diagnosis or treatments. These are techniques you can use any time and any place once you learn them. 

Bedtime Meditation (20 min)

We recorded this extra relaxing meditation after hearing from many cancer warriors about how difficult sleep has been since their diagnosis. This meditation is slow and cozy...sure to help you drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Expanding Gratitude, Peace, and Love (16 min)

This meditation is full of all the good things to make your heart sing. We know how powerful gratitude and love can be, and this meditation will help get your good vibes flowing! 

Practice Being Calm (16 min)

We all know that "practice makes perfect" but have you ever thought of that when it comes to being calm? Really! Have you ever practiced being calm?!  The more you practice calming your mind, emotions, and your body, the easier it will be for you to engage that feeling during times of stress. 

Emotional Cleanse (18 min)

There is a lot of information about cleansing your physical body with special diets, but how often have you taken the time to purge yourself of difficult emotions that weigh you down? We'll guide your through this process and help you replace those challenging emotions with ones that feel lighter and healthier.  

Pushing the Reset Button During Overwhelm (17 min)

Just as we sometimes need to reset our phones or computers when they are stuck, we can also push the reset button on ourselves when we're feeling overwhelm or stress. This grounding meditation will guide you to infuse your body with fresh oxygen and release your tension and worries. It's the perfect personal reboot! 

Appreciating Yourself (18 min)

You're beautiful. You're brave. You're uniquely you! This gentle meditation will help you remember all the special things that make you such a wonderful gift in this world. It's peaceful, calm, and 100% focused on filling your own cup. 

Name Your Own Price!

We never want the cost to be a barrier to joining our community of warriors who are on a mission towards wellness. Therefore, we have adopted a name your own price model to ensure everyone who would like to join is able to.
No matter how much you pay, you'll receive the exact same meditation bundle!
In other words, it doesn't matter what financial position you are currently in, we want to make sure you have access to the meditations because this bundle was created for YOU!

The Bundle for $10


The Bundle for $20


The Bundle for $30


This Bundle Is For You If...

  • You want to feel more empowered since your diagnosis. 
  • You're new to meditation or have struggled with it since your diagnosis. 
  • You're dedicated to improving your well-being.
  • You want meditation to be easy and relaxing. 

Hi! I'm Kim Lowe, Founder of Empower You

As a PhD cancer researcher, I have dedicated my entire career to improving how patients are diagnosed and treated for their cancer. When my beloved mom received her own challenging health diagnosis, I was overwhelmed with anxiety and feelings of helplessness. I dug deep into my personal yoga and meditation practice to find solace. What emerged was a profound passion to help patients and caregivers in a more holistic way to find emotional peace and to regain their physical strength during this challenging time in their lives. I went back to school to become a yoga and meditation teacher so I could help others who have been touched by a life-changing diagnosis. Empower You was born with compassion and love from that mission, and I deeply hope it improves your life in meaningful ways.