Eating a Gluten Free Diet After Your Cancer Diagnosis Can be Easy!



If eating a gluten free diet is important to you, our Gluten Free Cancer Empowerment Recipe Bundle includes 160+ recipes that were created and refined to make good nutrition easy during cancer. 

The recipe bundle also includes an informational booklet 

"Optimizing your Nutrition During Cancer Treatment, Recovery & Survivorship

Name Your Own Price!

We never want the cost to be a barrier to joining our community of warriors who are on a mission toward wellness. 
Therefore, we have adopted a name your own price model to ensure everyone who would like to have access to our Gluten-free Cancer Empowerment Recipe Bundle is able to. 
 No matter how much you pay, you'll receive the exact same bundle of recipes.  We want to make sure you have access to the gluten-free recipes because this bundle was created for you!

Gluten-Free Cancer Empowerment Recipe Bundle & Booklet

Recipe Bundle & Booklet for $10


Recipe Bundle & Booklet for $15


Recipe Bundle & Booklet for $20


Our Gluten Free Recipe Bundle Is For You If...

  • You want to feel more empowered since your diagnosis. 
  • You're new to eating  gluten free or have struggled with it since your diagnosis. 
  • You're dedicated to improving your well-being and you know eating gluten-free is right for you.
  • You want a gluten-free diet to be easy and fun.

Hello! I’m Julie, a Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Certified Culinary Nutritionist, and Exercise Physiologist.

I believe that magic happens in the kitchen! The recipes I have prepared for Empower You were designed and refined specially to meet your unique needs as a cancer patient. My goal is to use creativity, empathy, fun, and delicious recipes to help you fuel your body back to health. I love breaking down complex issues in nutrition and health into realistic changes you can easily integrate into your life no matter what health challenges you’re facing. I love to dive into the “why” behind nutrition so I can help you choose nourishment for your mind, body and soul that fits your health needs and dietary philosophies. Having faced my own serious health and digestive challenges, I’m passionate about helping you fall in love with food while teaching new and refreshing ways to look at nutrition and health. You can learn more about me at


Hi! I’m Kim, the Founder of Empower You, a Cancer Researcher, HeartMath Practitioner, and Certified Yoga for Cancer (Y4C)Teacher.
As a PhD cancer researcher, I have dedicated my entire career to improving how patients are diagnosed and treated for their cancer. When my beloved mom received her own challenging health diagnosis, I was overwhelmed with anxiety and feelings of helplessness. I dug deep into my personal yoga and meditation practice to find solace. What emerged was a profound passion to help patients and caregivers find emotional peace and to regain their physical strength during this challenging time in their lives. I went back to school to become a yoga and meditation teacher so I could help others who have been touched by a life-changing diagnosis. Empower You was born with compassion and love from that mission, and I deeply hope it improves your life in meaningful ways.